Mission #5 – Feb 5, 2019


Agents, an element of peace on earth is achieved through the active skills of cooperation. Seek out at least one organization in your community that does this and support them in a way that is meaningful to you. Increase ways you can cooperate with others. Doing so is a powerful way to establish cooperation as a social norm.

Shed light on acts of cooperation.
Otherwise our differences devolve into conflict.
Honor groups inventing cooperation solutions for the common good.

Peace on earth is about more than avoiding war.
To create the world we want,
Honor groups inventing cooperation solutions for the common good.

Shed light on these initiatives.
Increase collective intelligence.
Honor groups inventing cooperation solutions for the common good.

Vision, determination, cooperation skills.
What it takes to succeed is rarely known by anyone other than those directly involved.
Honor groups inventing cooperation solutions for the common good.

Turn this awareness into a legacy.
Establish cooperation as a social norm.
Honor groups inventing cooperation solutions for the common good.

Define the common good and what acts of cooperation look like.
Enjoy watching your community glow with acts of cooperative goodness.
Honor groups inventing cooperation solutions for the common good.

To help spread the goodwill generated by completing this mission, please report your activity on the Compassion Map. Doing so will help solidify in your mind what you’ve done while creating a legacy of our collective activity that will be there to inspire others.

These missions are adapted from David Gershon’s Seven Actions to Create Peace on Earth.