Mission #2 – Sept 9, 2018

Welcome to Day 2 of the Compassion Games!

Your mission today is to get together with a partner to complete an act of kindness. In choosing your partner, find someone who brings out the best in you. Please consider who you help in this way, too.

For inspiration, take a quick look at the video below from an organization called Playing For Change that promotes peace on earth through music. They travel to different parts of the world to record musicians each singing and/or playing the same song and then create a collaborative music video. This one is pretty special.

One love, one heart.

Today’s mission intends to help show how everything on earth is interconnected. One love. One heart. And when we recognize our interconnectedness, we create a force that is greater than the sum of our parts. There is you. There is your partner. AND there is your partnership. Imagine the power of millions of people working together for good.

Let's get together and feel all right.

Remember, we want you to help spread the goodwill generated by completing the missions by reporting your activity on the Compassion Map. Thank you for your invaluable contributions!