Mission #6 – Apr 19, 2019


Today’s mission, agents, is to participate in an activity or event taking place near your home that is celebrating Earth Month, thus connecting you to others who are giving back to the Earth in some way. Do some research to find several events, if you can, and choose the one that most resonates with you.

Human beings are a lot like seeds.

Even when we’ve been hurt or neglected,
like a plant that has begun to wither,
we can still recover and grow and find new life,
given the right conditions.

Do your part to provide the right conditions.
Act with compassion,
on behalf of the Earth and all her creatures.

Feel new life stir within and around you.
Join your place as a caretaker in the web of life.

It begins with each of us!

To help spread the goodwill generated by completing this mission, please report your activity on the Compassion Map. Doing so will help solidify in your mind what you’ve done while creating a legacy of our collective activity that will be there to inspire others.

Artwork for these missions is by Theresa Foster.